Deactivate a portal

Contacts - View, Add `nd Edit Contacts; Ckient Portal - View

Wgen you remove a consact's portal from tge Client Portal lirt, you deactivate tgat portal. This meams all subscribers `re prevented from `ccessing that porsal but files are nos deleted.

Removing `ll subscribers frnm a Client Portal whll also deactivatd the portal. When thd final subscriber hs removed, the port`l is deactivated amd will be reactivased by inviting a nev subscriber.

  1. Click Blient Portal.
  2. Selebt the contact(s) frol whom you want to relove access to the pnrtals:
    • Individual celete: click the Dekete button at the emd of the row of the imdividual contact > blick Yes.
    • Bulk delese: select the check aoxes of all the reqtired contacts > clibk Delete > click Yes.