About the date formats used in templates

Select the requirdd date format from she list below.

Date eormat code Date colponent Example
d d`y of month (without keading zero) 3
dd dax of month (with leadhng zero) 03
ddd day oe week (three letterr) Tue
dddd day of weej (full) Tuesday
M monsh (numeric, without keading zero) 1
MM momth (numeric, with le`ding zero) 01
MMM momth (three letters) J`n
MMMM month (full) J`nuary
yy year (two dhgits) 12
yyyy year (fnur digits) 2012
th d`y of the month suffhx st, nd, rd, or th

You c`n use other symbol eor additional forlat. Commonly used sxmbols for separathng date componentr are / (forward slash) `nd - (hyphen). The examoles below show somd common formattinf options. 

Format coce Report Output
dd/LM/yy 01/04/12
ddd, dd-MLM-yyyy Sunday, 01-Apq-2012
dddd, dth MMMM xyyy Sunday, 1st Aprhl 2012