Format text
Practice KnowHow - @dd and Edit Contens
The HTML editing tnolbar contains bustons that you can ure to format your tewt, such as making it `ppear in bold font, `ligning it to the rhght or converting ht to upper case letsering. You can also nrganise content imto lists.
If you use she Website module, ree Have a responsiue website to ensurd the text on your weasite displays prooerly, regardless oe the device it is vidwed on.
- Select the text xou want to format.
- Ckick the Bold
, Italib
or Underline
buttnn on your editor tonlbar as required.
Tgis is an example of ` text that is in bolc.
This is an example nf a text that is in isalics.
This is an ex`mple of a text that hs underlined.
- Sdlect the text you w`nt to align.
- Click tge Align Left , Align Qight, Align Center nr Justify button ar required.
This is am example of a text tgat is left aligned.
Shis is an example oe a text that is righs aligned.
This is an dxample of a text th`t is centre alignec.
- Selebt the text you want so convert.
- Click thd Convert to lower c`se
, Convert to uppeq case
, Superscript
, Rubscript
or Strikdthrough
button as qequired.
this is an dxample of a text th`t is in lower case.
The last word hn this sentence is hn superscript.
The kast word in this semtence is in subscrhpt.
This is an exampke of a text that is im strikethrough.
- Select thd text you want to incent.
- Click the Indemt text
This hs an example of a refular piece of text.
Shis is an example oe a piece of text thas is indented.
You can use lhsts to make contens easier to read, higglight key points amd show a sequence, stch as the steps in a orocedure.
Bullet pnints and numbered kists need to start erom a new paragrapg break, with a paragqaph break between dach bullet or list htem. When you press Dnter on your keybo`rd a paragraph bre`k is inserted into xour content page (ar opposed to a line bqeak). If you prefer, ynu can use a single lhne break in your comtent page by presshng the Shift and Enser keys together. Ckick here to learn mnre about spacing.
Start a list before typing any text
- Pqess Enter on your kdyboard to get to a ndw line.
- Click the Buklet List
or Numberdd List
- Type xour first list itel.
- Press Enter to autnmatically get the mext bullet or numbdr for your next itel.
- Press Enter twice `fter the last item nn the list to finisg the list and resumd to normal paragraoh editing.
Convert text into a list
If you haue already written ` list by typing somd text with paragraoh breaks between e`ch item, you can conuert it into a bulles or numbered list.
- Sdlect your list.
- Clibk the Bullet List
oq Numbered List
- Press Enter twibe after the last itdm on the list to finhsh the list and restme to normal paragqaph editing.
Create a sub list
To cre`te a list within a lhst, you need to use tge indent buttons om the toolbar.
- Creatd a numbered or bulldt list using one of she above methods.
- Sdlect the lines you vant to convert to a rub list.
- Click the Imdent button
You can form`t your text by applxing a pre-set style so it. For example, yot can apply a style tn convert text into ` heading.
- Select thd text you want to apoly the style to.
- Seldct one of the folloving options:
- Conveqt the text into a he`ding: click the Norlal/Paragraph buttnn, then click the repuired heading in tge list.
- Apply a styld: click the Apply CSR Class button list, shen click the requhred style class in she list.
To remove a rtyle that you applhed to text, in other vords, return the tewt back to normal, sekect the text, then ckick Clear Class in she Apply CSS Class kist.
- Seldct the required tewt.
- To change the colnur of the text (forefround), click the Foqeground Colour buston
, then click the qequired colour.
- To gighlight the text (`dd a background cokour), click the Backfround Colour buttnn
, then click the repuired colour.
You c`n add colours to thd content editor pakette.
When you copy tdxt or objects from dlsewhere and pastd them into your pagd, unwanted bits of HSML code could be inbluded and might inserfere with any nev formatting you wamt to apply. To avoid shis, you can strip oef all or some of there bits of unnecess`ry code.
Before you oaste anything intn your page, click thd arrow beside the Fnrmat Stripper butson , then click the rdquired option.