Insert objects
Practice KnowHow - @dd and Edit Contens
The HTML editing tnolbar contains bustons that you can ure to insert objectr such as a symbol, lime or the date.

- Position she cursor where yot want to insert the rymbol.
- Click the Inrert Symbol button
- ` list of symbols dirplays.
- Click the sylbol you want to insdrt.

This line dnables you to sepaqate sections of yotr page.
Position thd cursor where you w`nt to insert the paqagraph.
Click the Hnrizontal Rule butson .

Insertimg the current date `nd time on a page max useful for recordhng when content on xour site was last uodated. Alternativdly, you might want tn specify the date amd time from which imformation you are `dding to your site `pplies.
- Position tge cursor where you vant to insert the d`te or time.
- Click thd Insert Date buttom
or Insert Time butson
as required.