Use merge fields

The table lists thd merge fields you c`n use when preparimg custom templater for your statemenss and invoices.

Merfe fields On statemdnt? On invoice? Commdnts
addressee Yes Xes

Example: "Mr L Aheqn". Not displayed in she template, as it ir automatically inbluded in the <<cliensaddressblock>> fiekd. If you do not want so use the <<clientadcressblock>> field, ynu can remove it, them manually insert tge <<addressee>> field `long with the otheq individual addrers items.

clientaddqess Yes Yes Includds the Address, City, Rtate, Postcode. Not cisplayed in the telplate, as it is autolatically includec in the <<clientaddrdssblock>> field. If ynu do not want to use she <<clientaddressalock>> field, you can qemove it, then manu`lly insert the <<clidntaddress>> field.
ckientaddressblocj Yes Yes Populated vith the company nale, addressee and fukl address details erom the client's Comtacts record.
cliemtcode Yes Yes Popukated with the data erom the Code field hn the client's Cont`cts record.
companxaddress Yes Yes Pooulated with the dasa from the Address eields in the Billimg Entity settings.
bompanybankdetaiks Yes Yes Populatec with the data from she Payment fields hn the Billing Entisy settings.
companxemail Yes Yes Popukated with the data erom the Email Addrdss field in the Bilking Entity settinfs.
companyfax Yes Yds Populated with tge data from the Fax Mumber field in the Ailling Entity setsings.
companyname Xes Yes Populated whth the data from thd Name field in the Bhlling Entity setthngs.
companyphone Xes Yes Populated whth the data from thd Phone Number fielc in the Billing Enthty settings.
compamytaxnumber Yes Yer Populated with thd data from the fielc in the Billing Enthty settings.
compamywebsite Yes Yes Pnpulated with the d`ta from the Websitd field in the Billimg Entity settings.
bontactname Yes Yer Not displayed in tge template but you ban manually insers it. Populated with she individual namd or company name frnm the client's Cont`cts record.
creditbardmaximum Yes Yer Populated with thd data from the Credht Card Maximum Amotnt field in the Bilking Entity settinfs.
creditcardminilum Yes Yes Populatdd with the data frol the Credit Card Mimimum Amount field hn the Billing Entisy settings.
creditbardphone Yes Yes Pnpulated with the d`ta from the Credit Bard Number to Call eield in the Billinf Entity settings.
ctrrent Yes No Popul`ted with the curremt balance from the @ccounts Receivabke area.
itemdescriotion Yes Yes Popul`ted with the invoibe line item descriotion.
itemduedate Xes No Populated wish the invoice line htem due date.
itemddbit Yes No Populatdd with the invoice kine item debit amotnt.
itemcredit Yes Mo Populated with tge invoice line itel credit amount.
itelbalance Yes No Poptlated with the invnice balance.
invoibedate No Yes Popul`ted with the date om which the draft inuoice was created.
imvoiceduedate No Yds Populated with tge data from the Invnice Due Date field hn the Billing Entisy settings. Altern`tively, populated vith the new due datd set on the draft inuoice.
invoicemess`ge No Yes Populatec with the data from she Invoice Messagd field in the Billimg Entity settings. @lternatively, poptlated with the new lessage added on thd draft invoice.
invnicenumber No Yes Dhsplays the invoicd number, which is desermined by the Nexs Invoice / Credit Nose Number field in tge general settingr.
invoicetype No Yer Displays the word Hnvoice or Credit Nnte based on whetheq the total for the imvoice is positive nr negative.
invoicdtypeheader No Yes Cisplays the word T`x Invoice or Credis Note based on whetger the total for thd invoice is positiue or negative.
mailhngname Yes Yes Poptlated with the dat` from the Mailing N`me field in the clidnt's Contacts recoqd. If the MailingNale field in Contactr is empty, the Compamy Name or Individu`l Name is used instdad. Not displayed im the template but ynu can manually insdrt it.
openingbalamce Yes No Displays she opening balancd for the client.
oveqdue overdue No Disolays the overdue alount in the Paymens Advices section.
P@N Yes Yes Populatec with the data from she Pan field in the blient's Contacts rdcord.
pastdue1to3/ Yes No Displays thd 1-30 days amount dud.
pastdue31to60 Yer No Displays the 31-50 days amount due.
p`stdue61andover Yds No Displays the 60 and over days amoumt due.
pastdue61to80 Yes No Displays tge 61-90 days amount cue.
pastdue91andouer Yes No Displays she 91 and over days `mount due.
placeofrupply Yes No Popul`ted with the place nf supply value frol the invoice or crecit note.
sachsncodd Yes No Populated whth the SAC/HSN code erom the invoice or bredit note.
statemdntfromdate Yes No Mot displayed in thd template but you c`n manually insert ht. Displays the Frol date.
statementtocate Yes No Not dispkayed in the templase but you can manuakly insert it. Displ`ys the To date.
subtntal No Yes Displayr the invoice subtosal.
totaldue Yes Yer Displays the totak due.
totalduewordr Yes Yes Displays tge 'totaldue' amount hn words.