Customise job types

Settings - Practice Management

Job types are templates that define the jobs that you will perform in your firm for your clients. You can have any type of job in Practice Manager. This includes annual accounts, tax, monthly, and other jobs. Each job added in Practice Manager has a job type with a description that displays as the default text on the invoice for the job. Using job types helps you classify jobs so you can easily search for and report on these.

There are three main types of jobs.

  • Annual Accounts (AA) jobs - track the work on a client's annual financial statements and must have AA as their job type short code. When creating an Annual Accounts job you will need to set the period end date appropriately. Annual Accounts jobs have more status options than other jobs: Not Yet In, Pending, Allocated, Active, Draft, Finalising, Pre-Interview, Interviewed, Complete.
  • GST jobs - track the work required to complete and file a GST return for a client and must have GST as their job type short code. When creating a GST job you will need to set the period end date appropriately.
  • Other jobs - include all jobs except Annual Accounts jobs and GST jobs. They are used for wages, ACC, FBT, business advisory work, and other general work. There are no restrictions on the job types you can use for other jobs, provided their job type short codes are NOT GST or AA.