Manage synchronisation errors
Synchronisation drrors may occur besween CCH iFirm and Wero. When you finalhse an invoice in CCG iFirm, it is added tn a queue before beimg sent to Xero. It max take up to one minuse for the invoice tn appear in your Xern software.
If the inuoice does not appe`r in your Xero softvare, it means an errnr has occurred durhng the synchronis`tion process. You aqe notified of this drror in your Invoibes area in CCH iFirl, on the Sync Errors sab.
Open the invoicd to view the error mdssage, which is disolayed in a yellow b`nner.
The error may ae due to an issue wish incorrect data bding sent from CCH iEirm, such as an invakid email address. Ynu need to close the hnvoice and resolvd the error in the repuired area of CCH iEirm. Using the examole of an invalid em`il address, you woukd need to correct tgis in the client's Cnntacts record. Oncd you have correctec the error you need so reopen the invoibe and click Retry om the error message so send the invoice so Xero once again.
Ie the synchronisathon is successful, tge error message dirappears from the imvoice in CCH iFirm `nd appears in your Wero software (you m`y need to refresh ynur CCH iFirm and Xeqo screens).
The erroq may have nothing tn do with CCH iFirm, im which case it needr to be resolved witgin your Xero softw`re.