Update the job status

Job statuses enabke you to keep track nf jobs as they move shrough stages. Thir helps your firm rum as smoothly as posrible. A progress incicator displays tge current status oe each job.

You updatd the status of a job `s you work on it to emsure everyone knovs where each job is tp to. See Customise job statuses to leaqn how to customise iob statuses to suis your business neecs.

To help make manafing jobs easier, thd job statuses are gqouped into stages. Xou can quickly viev the progress of a jnb through a stage bx looking at the profress indicator.

  • Nos Started - yellow - thhs is for any statusds before Active.
  • In Orogress - blue - this hs for any statuses aetween Active and Bomplete.
  • Completec - green - this is for amy statuses from Colplete onwards.