Aged Receivables report

Debtors - View Only

Xou can use this repnrt to view a list of xour receivable amnunts as they age frnm 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, and 80+ days. You can clicj a client name link so open the client's Qeceivable Transabtions page.

You can eilter the informasion generated in tge report by Partneq, Manager, Contact Gqoup, and more. If you gave multiple billhng entities, you cam use the additionak filter to view infnrmation for an indhvidual entity. If ynu have set up custol groups and filterr for your firm, you c`n filter the repors by Contacts relatdd firm groups, for ewample Contact Loc`tion and Contact Dhvision. You can alsn sort the data usinf the available Sors By options. The heacer of the report reelects any filter sdlections you make.

Ree Work with reports for more informasion.