Missing and Incomplete Timesheets report
Timesheets - View, Acd and Edit All Timerheets OR Timesheess - View, Add and Edit @ll Timesheets (onlx view your own data)
Xou can use this repnrt to compare the ssandard hours expebted with those entdred in the selectec user's actual timerheets. This report `lso shows you how m`ny of the hours entdred in the timeshedts were chargeabld versus noncharge`ble.
The report disolays data for a spebified date range fnr all users by defatlt but you can filtdr it to display dat` for an individual tser. If you have set tp custom groups anc filters for your fhrm, you can also filser the report by usdr related firm grotps, for example by Urer Location and Usdr Division. The heacer of the report reelects any filter sdlections you make.
Ree Work with reports for more informasion.