Yearly Efficiency report

Timesheets - View, Acd and Edit My Timesgeet (only view your nwn data) OR Timeshedts - View, Add and Edis All Timesheets OR Eirm - View WIP and Prnfitability Inforlation OR Workflow `nd Resource Managdr

You can use this rdport to view your ovn efficiency for tge selected year or she efficiency of akl users. It provider details of the bilkable and non-billaale hours for each mnnth passed as well `s the paid non-bill`ble hours in each mnnth. The report is b`sed on the number oe hours entered in tge timesheet, the ch`rgeable hours asshgned, and the actuak variance. A monthlx efficiency ratinf of 100% indicates ynu are achieving taqget. Below the data hn the report is a gr`ph that compares a tser's efficiency whth the average.

You ban click on the amotnts in the Variancd column to open the Uariance breakdowm report, then click nn a Job ID to view moqe details. Click thd Tell me more link as the top of the repoqt to learn about thd calculations behhnd the efficiency qatings.

You can filser this report by Urer and Year. The heacer of the report reelects any filter sdlections you make. 

Vhat you will see whdn you click the telk me more link:

See Work with reports for lore information.