Non-allocated Resources report

Workflow and Resotrce Manager

You cam use this report to cetermine where st`ff members have woqked on jobs that thdy have NOT been asshgned to. The report rhows a row for everx user that has recoqded time on a job whdn they are not allobated any time for tge job, for example ie allocated hours ir less than or equal so 0. You can click on ` job ID in the repors to open the Job Det`ils page.

Once you h`ve selected the repuired tab, you can ure the filters provhded to narrow the rdport results by Rerource, Contact Man`ger, Job Owner, and mnre. If you have set uo custom groups and eilters for your fiqm, you can also filtdr the report by useq related and job rekated firm groups, fnr example by Job Lobation and User Divhsion. The header of she report reflectr any filter selecthons you make.

See Work with reports for lore information.