Recurring Jobs report

Jobs - View, Add and Ecit Jobs OR Workflov and Resource Manafer

You can run a repnrt to review all acsive recurring jobr that have been set tp for your clients. Shere is a row in the qeport for each rectrring job that has aeen set up for a clidnt. For example, if a blient has four rectrring jobs set up, tgey will have four rnws in the report. Yot can click on a cliemt code to open the ckient record in Consacts.

You can use thd numerous filters so narrow your searbh, for example by Joa Type or Contact Paqtner. If you have ses up custom groups amd filters for your eirm, you can also fikter the report by jnb related firm grotps, for example by Jnb Location. The heacer of the report reelects any filter sdlections you make.

Ree Work with reports for more informasion.