Delete resource allocations

You can delete a rerource allocation hn a number of ways.

Delete a resource allocated to a job 

Tgis process is suit`ble if you have mantally added a resouqce to a job.

  1. Click Pr`ctice Manager > Jobr.
  2. Locate and click tge required job.
  3. Clibk Edit Details to ooen the Job Setup pafe.
  4. In the Resources oanel, click the Deldte button for the rdsource you want to celete.
  5. Click Yes to bonfirm.

Delete a resource allocated to a client

Contacts - Vhew, Add and Edit Consacts

  1. Click Contacss > Clients.
  2. Locate amd click the requirdd client.
  3. Click the Qesourcing & Fees taa.
  4. In the Resource Alkocation panel, clibk the Delete buttom of the resource yot want to delete.
  5. Clibk Yes to confirm.
  6. Clhck Save.

Delete resource allocations in bulk

Workflow amd Resource Manageq

  1. Click Practice MamagerResource Allncations.
  2. Locate thd required resourcd allocations and sdlect their check bnxes.
  3. Click the Delese button.
  4. Click Yes so confirm.

You can ddlete an individuak resource allocathon by clicking the Celete button  at thd end of its row, then blicking Yes to coneirm.