Edit the Portal settings

Settings - Client Portal

  1. Click Settings > Client Portal.
  2. Click Portal Settings.
  3. Type the email Reply address to be used when notifying clients.
  4. Select your preferred notification settings:
    • Notify client of new files in Portal - this automatically sends an email notification to clients when you upload files. You may want to turn off this setting, if you prefer to email the client separately or if you are uploading up a lot of files.
    • Notify Partner of incoming files from clients - this sends an email to the partner of the contact to notify them of any incoming files.
    • Notify Manager of incoming files from clients - this sends an email to the manager of the contact to notify them of any incoming files.
    • Also notify of incoming files from clients - this sends an email to other people to notify them of any incoming files. Type the email addresses separated by a semicolon (up to 254 characters maximum).

  5. Turn off the default settings, if required (clear the check boxes):
    • Clients can delete files - clear this check box to suppress the Delete button in the clients' portals and therefore, prevent clients from deleting files or folders.
    • Clients can upload files - clear this check box to suppress the Upload button in the clients' portals and therefore, prevent clients from uploading files or folders.
    • Clients can invite others to portal - clear this the check box to suppress the Invite to Portal button in the clients' portals and therefore, prevent clients from inviting others to the portal.
  1. Select the Show Partner's email address to clients and Show Manager's email address to clients check boxes, as required.
    • If a client was invited directly by your firm, that client sees your firm partner and manager names displayed on their My Details page.
    • This setting turns the partner and/or manager names into links that the client can click to send an email to the partner and/or manager. The email subject is, "Enquiry from client portal".

  2. Select the default email templates you want to use for notifications (you can edit the templates to suit your needs).
  3. Change the Default Folder Structure setting, if required.
    • This is set to Yes but you can change it to No, if you do not want default folders created automatically within each portal.
  1. Click Manage Default Structure and proceed to set up the default folder structure the way you want.
  2. Click Save.