Edit communication details

Contacts - View, Add and Edit Contacts

You can specify a range of communication and address details for your contacts. Most of this information will be added during installation; however, you can also add and update information at any time. 

  1. Click Contacts > All Contacts.
  2. Locate and click the required contact.
  3. Click any of the Edit buttons to access the Details tab.
  4. Update the communication details as required.
  5. Click Save.

Once you record the relevant communication details, within the Details tab of the contact record you can click the communication buttons to perform the actions outlined in the table below.

  Google Map 

Find the contact's address on a map. This is a convenient feature to use before you go out to see visit a contact.

 ​ Website Open the contact's website.
Email Send an email to the contact.
Skype Call the contact or send them a message via Skype.
Twitter View the contact's tweets.
LinkedIn View the contact's Linked In details.

See also Manage the email options