Add a special chargeout rate

All Practice Manager users have a default chargeout rate which is used in all the jobs they work on. This is the case unless someone in your firm who has the Security - View and Edit Budgets, Rates and Hours for User security role sets up another chargeout rate to override the default rate. The relevant person in your firm can also assign a user to a job that has a specific chargeout rate. In this case all the time the user spends on the job will be charged out at the special rate. All other time on all other jobs for this user will be charged at the default rate.

Charge out rates apply when timesheet entries are created. They differ to automatic fees, which apply only at invoice time.

Here's the sequence of priority for chargeout rates, that is which setting overrides the other (1 is the strongest setting, 4 is the weakest):

  1. Chargeout rate for specific client and team member - you can set this under Contacts > Clients > Resourcing & Fees > Chargeout Rates.
  2. Chargeout rate for specific activity code and team member - you can set this under Settings > SecurityUser Manager.
  3. Chargeout rate for specific activity code - you can set this under Settings > Practice Manager > Activity Codes.
  4. Chargeout rate for specific team member (default rate) - you can set this under Settings > Security > User Manager.

When you add a timesheet entry, the chargeout rate used and the amount will display with the entry.

You can also have certain team members charged out at a specific rate for all work done on all jobs for a client. To do this, you will need to assign the relevant team members to the client with their specific chargeout rates. This saves you having to go into each job and specify the custom chargeout rate.

Additionally, your firm can charge out a specific activity, carried out by a specific individual for all clients, at a different rate. To access this option, you need to set up a special activity code with the required rate.