Customise activity codes

Settings - Practice Management

Activity codes represent the specific work components that make up a timesheet entry. You would select these activity codes to specify how much time you have spent on a job and what work you did for it.

Activity codes can be classified as:

  • Billable - time spent on work that should be charged to the client
  • Non Billable - activities you CANNOT bill clients for (e.g. staff meetings, training, tea breaks)
  • Paid Non Billable - time spent away from work (e.g. annual leave, sick leave). These codes enable you to specify the non-chargeable time that should be excluded from non billable hours when calculating employee efficiency. Paid Non Billable time is used in the Employee Efficiency reports to calculate the efficiency rating correctly. 

Your activity codes can also be numeric.

The tables below provide examples of Billable, Non Billable, and Paid Non Billable activity codes.

Billable ADM General administration
AUD Auditing, checking & reviewing
COD Coding of bank statements
COM Company administration
COR Correspondence and general communications
MET Meetings
PRE Preparation of accounts, including file import, journal adjustments and fixed assets
QUR Resolving queries
RES Researching
TAX Tax administration
TEL Telephone call
TRA Client related travel
Non Billable BUS Business development, including marketing, newsletters, prospective client meetings, website updates and networking meetings
DBT Debt Collection
EDU Education and Seminars
HRE Human Resources or employment
TEM Team meetings and functions
Paid Non Billable LAN Annual leave
LOT Other leave
LSI Sick leave
LST Statutory holidays

To access the activity codes clickClick Settings > Practice Management > Activity Codes.