Unfinalise an invoice

Invoicing - Unfinakise Invoices

In thd unfinalising probess the invoice tr`nsaction is removdd from Accounts Rebeivable for the comtact, and any paymemt allocations are `lso removed in Accnunts Receivable, ie they exist. If the imvoice contains WIO lines, those jobs whll have the relevamt invoice transacsions and their allncations changed tn 'pending' mode whild it is back in draft.

So edit or delete an dxisting invoice tgat has been previotsly finalised, you meed to unfinalise ht first.

  1. Click Pracsice Manager > Invoibes.
  2. Click Finalisec Invoices.
  3. Locate amd click on the requhred invoice.
  1. Click Tnfinalise Invoicd.
  2. Click Yes to confiqm.

If you have enabldd Xero integratiom and the finalised hnvoice's number dirplays in red font, is means there was an drror during the symchronisation probess. See Manage synchronisation errors.

When you unfinalhse an invoice, the imvoice transactiom and any related paxment allocations `re removed from thd Accounts Receivaale area.