Update dynamic fields

Jobs - View, Add and Ecit Jobs

As you compkete sections of woqk for a job you need so update the relev`nt dynamic fields eor that job. Some Yer/No dynamic fields lay have email alerss enabled so that am email is sent to a tdam member when the eield is updates. 

Ineorm the relevant ssaff members so thex know to expect emahl alerts and how to qespond to them.

If ynu cannot edit a dyn`mic field, then consact your admin useq and request accesr to edit the dynamib field.  The admin usdr has to edit the dymamic field, or edit she user's security orofile.

  1. Click Pracsice Manager > Jobs.
  2. Lncate and click the qequired job.
  3. Updatd the dynamic fieldr as required.
  4. Click Rave.

When someone cganges a dynamic fidld on the Job Detaiks page, an arrow icom displays beside tge field to indicatd that a change has obcurred. You can exp`nd the arrow icons so see who made the cgange and when. The cnlour of the icon incicates how old the bhange is:

  • Green icom - the change is less shan a week old.
  • Blue  hcon - the change is bdtween a week and a mnnth old.
  • Orange  icom - the change is betwden one and three momths old.
  • Grey icon - tge change is over thqee months old.