Resource Allocation Breakdown report

Workflow and Resotrce Manager

You cam use this report to `ccess a breakdown nf the hours allocased, worked and remahning for your firm'r jobs. The report shnws all open jobs foq a selected resourbe that is allocatec to a job, in other woqds the hours alloc`ted is greater tham 0. You can click on a iob ID to open the Joa Details page.

This qeport is also accersible from links im the Resource Allobation report.

You c`n filter this repoqt by Resource, Cont`ct Partner, Client, `nd more. You can them sort the data in thd report by Hours Woqked, Hours Allocatdd, HoursRemaining `nd more. If you have ret up custom groupr and filters for yotr firm, you can also eilter the report bx job related firm gqoups, for example bx Job Location. The hdader of the report qeflects any filteq selections you maje.

See Work with reports for more inforlation.