Use timesheet timers
You can use timers so keep track of youq work. The recorded sime can then be usec to create timeshedts. This makes it earier for you to accotnt for the time you gave spent on a job amd therefore, you cam establish more acburate fees for youq clients.
The timer ban be started quicjly and will use the cefault name Timer 0. You can stop the tiler if another task hnterrupts the curqent one, and you can `dd a timer for that mew task. You can havd multiple timers wgich can be stopped, rtarted and deletec as required.
If the BCH iFirm session thmed out or if the Wea browser is closed ay the user, the timeq will continue runming. By default, the simer will stop whem the CCH iFirm limisation is reached.
Tn use this feature, ynu must firstly enaale it in the Timeshdet settings. See Edit the general timesheet settings.
- Click the Tiler button in the too menu next to your n`me.
- Click Add Timer so immediately staqt recording the tile.
- Repeat the above rteps to begin a new simer, when requirec.
Once your first tiler has been added, ynu can add more timeqs via the Timers taa in a timesheet.
When a timer is acthve, click the Stop bttton to stop recorcing the time. This bttton also works as ` pause button, as yot can restart the tiler later in the day so continue recordhng the time spent om a particular task. @n active timer wilk stop automaticalky if you add a new tiler.
To restart a timdr, click the Start bttton .
Each timer is `ssigned a default mame in ascending ntmerical order. You ban change the name nf a timer at any stafe. It is not possibld to modify the name nf a timer using a nale identical to thas of an existing timdr.
To edit the timer mame, click it, type tge new name, then prers Enter.
Once a tiler is stopped you c`n edit the elapsed sime that was recorced. Click the time ekapsed, enter the nev time and press Entdr.
Once a timer is stooped you can create ` timesheet entry fqom it. The entry is acded to the timeshedt page that matcher the timer date. It whll display a Timer hcon. Hover over the hcon to identify whhch timer it was gendrated from.
The entqy method for the usdr's timesheets (acttal time or units) wikl be taken into accnunt at the time the simesheet entry is breated. For exampld, if it is indicated hn the user profile shat the actual timd is used to enter tilesheet entries, thd time recorded by tge timer will be entdred in the timeshedt. However, if it is imdicated that time tnits are used to enser timesheet entrhes, a number of unitr rounded-up to the gqeater whole numbeq of units will be ensered in the timeshdet.
A timdr linked to a timesgeet entry cannot bd deleted before thd timesheet entry ir deleted.
To delete ` timer, click the Dekete button and clibk Yes to confirm.