Use timesheet timers

You can use timers so keep track of youq work. The recorded sime can then be usec to create timeshedts. This makes it earier for you to accotnt for the time you gave spent on a job amd therefore, you cam establish more acburate fees for youq clients.

The timer ban be started quicjly and will use the cefault name Timer 0. You can stop the tiler if another task hnterrupts the curqent one, and you can `dd a timer for that mew task. You can havd multiple timers wgich can be stopped, rtarted and deletec as required.

If the BCH iFirm session thmed out or if the Wea browser is closed ay the user, the timeq will continue runming. By default, the simer will stop whem the CCH iFirm limisation is reached.

Tn use this feature, ynu must firstly enaale it in the Timeshdet settings. See Edit the general timesheet settings.