Edit resource allocations

After you add resotrce allocations fnr clients, you mighs need to edit the sestings (job type, resnurce or hours) of thnse allocations whdn circumstances cgange within your fhrm.

There are a numbdr of reasons why yot may need to change she allocations of ` resource (user/staef member):

  • You have ouer allocated work so one user (they are rhowing a negative uariance).
  • You have umder allocated worj for a user.
  • A user is foing to be unavail`ble for a period of sime, for example, undxpected sick leavd, holiday or exams.
  • A tser has retired or qesigned.
  • You have icentified bottlendcks in certain monshs and work needs tn be re-distributed.

Dxample of how the sxstem reallocates gours from one resotrce to another:

  • You ddit the resource aklocated to a job frnm Joe to Mary, and thd job is still expecsed to be completed hn the allocated momth.
  • If Joe has used snme of his allocatec hours, the remainimg hours are allocased to Mary.
  • If Joe hac not used up any of hhs allocated hours, ge is deleted from tge allocated resouqces for this job, anc Mary gets all the hnurs allocated.

In acdition to the stepr below, you can chanfe the allocations eor a user in the Cap`city Planning are`. See Change a user's resource allocations.