Enable macros

1. Digital signature

Microsoft has updated their security policies to block macros in untrusted documents. We have signed our workbooks to get around this. You need to install our certificate on your computers:

  1. Download this certificate: https://workpapers.blob.core.windows.net/files/cchbfnzcertificate.cer

  2. Double click to open certificate

  3. Click Install Certificate…

  4. Select Current User > Next

  5. Select Place all certificates in the following store

  6. Browse… > Trusted Publishers > Ok

  7. Next > Finish

  8. Completely restart Excel

Note: Previous versions of files may not be digitally signed and therefore the certificate will not enable their macros. Sometimes files drop their signature due to unknown issues also which is annoying. To get around this you should create a trusted location on your network where you can save those files and then reopen them to bypass the macro issue. Here's how to setup a trusted location: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/add-remove-or-change-a-trusted-location-in-microsoft-office-7ee1cdc2-483e-4cbb-bcb3-4e7c67147fb4

Here's the full help from microsoft on this issue. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/security/internet-macros-blocked

2. Trust centre settings

The second thing to look at is the Trust Centre settings within Excel for Macros

  1. Open Excel and click the Microsoft Office button or the File tab (depending on your version of Microsoft Office)
  2. Click Excel Options.
  3. Click Trust Center >Trust Center Settings > Macro Settings.
  4. Choose either of the following options:
    • Disable all macros with notification (recommended)
    • Enable all macros