Invite people to a portal

Contacts - View, Add and Edit Contacts; Client Portal - Admin

In order to make a portal active you must first invite someone to use it. When you invite someone via your Contacts module a new portal is created for that contact. You can have multiple portals, one for each of your contacts.

You can invite multiple people to use each of those portals. However, the expected method of use for Client Portal is for you to send an invitation to the email address stored on the Contacts record and then for the person who opens that email and registers with Client Portal to invite other people to the portal.

The invitation you send to a specific email address contains a link to register for the portal. Once the link is clicked, it expires and cannot be used again. However, if the email is forwarded to another person without the link being clicked, that other person can click the link and register for the portal. So, only one person can register via an invitation link because it contains a unique key. Subsequent attempts to register using the same link with not succeed. Therefore, personal invitations need to be sent out to the email addresses of all the people who want to register for the portal.

Portal invitations expire seven days after they have been sent.