Edit contact details

Contacts - View, Add and Edit Contacts

Once you have imported or manually added your contact records, you can edit them at any time.

To edit a contact, go to Contacts > All Contacts and click a row to open a client record. The record will open on the Summary tab, which is like a dashboard displaying summarised client information.

When you click any of the Edit button  links on the Summary tab, you will see detailed information under four tabs:

  • Details - edit the business type, contact type, manager, IRD number and much more.
  • Profile - edit the client type, class and document link.
  • Tax & Billing - edit the tax, Service Tax and billing details.
  • Additional addresses - edit the addresses.

When you are finished editing the contact record, choose one of the following actions:

  • Click Save to retain your changes and close the screen you are on.
  • Click the arrow on the Save button then select Save & exit to save your changes and exit the current screen.
  • Click the arrow on the Save button then select Save & add another to retain your changes and add a new contact.