Troubleshoot issues

If you're experiencing any issues with your workpapers, please use this step-by-step troubleshooting guide.

Check the CCH Workpapers Add-in

The main indication that the Add-in is NOT working is that the CCH Workpapers tab is not visible in Excel ribbon. It also means that the functionality within the workpapers will not work e.g. add worksheets from the workbench.

Check other Excel Settings

Are you getting error messages when you try to use the workbook?

If the error message refers to macro issues:

  1. Have you correctly saved the workbook as a macro enabled file e.g. XLSM? If not, then unfortunately all macros have been deleted and are not retrievable. You will need to start with a fresh workbook to regain the functionality. There is a warning message prior to saving in an incorrect format.

  2. Have macros been enabled?

If the messages refer to an error whilst adding worksheets:

  1. Check that you have not locked the workbook by mistake. This protects the structure of the workbook and prevents sheets from being added.
  2. If the error also refers to internet connectivity being the problem and you are confident your internet access is ok then this is probably a security issue. Ask your IT person to add an exception to your proxy server / firewall for the site that the sheets download from:

If these steps do not help to resolve your issue, please Contact us.htm.