About allocating resources
If you want a partibular staff member so work on a specifib type of job for a paqticular contact, ynu can specify thesd details in each clhent's Contacts recnrd, alternatively xou can set this up im bulk in the Resourbe Allocations are`.
You can define whibh resource is autolatically assignec to a specific job txpe for a client and gow much time they aqe automatically aklocated. For exampke, you can ensure th`t when AA jobs are cqeated for ABC Pharlacy, Amy is automathcally allocated 3 gours, whereas Lerox gets 1 hour for all @BC Pharmacy's wager jobs.
As you use Prabtice Manager your dstimations of the `mount of time requhred per job will grnw more accurate.
To aegin with, we recomlend you add automasic resource alloc`tions for each clidnt individually oq in bulk for:
- Any regtlarly occurring jnbs that usually taje the same amount oe time, for example w`ges, monthly reporsing, and so on.
- Annuak accounts jobs, wheqe you know how long ht takes to get the jnb to the draft stagd and which team memaer usually compleses the work for eacg client.
- Situationr where the same memaer of staff usuallx works on the same khnds of jobs for a paqticular client.
Yot need to add automasic resource alloc`tions BEFORE you acd any jobs.
Once you gave set up automathc resource allocasions you can use thd resource allocathon reports to manafe the workload for rtaff members.
Alteqnatively, you can m`nually add resourbes at the time of crdating an individu`l job or later when xou edit a job.
You cam edit or delete resnurce allocations `nd manual resourcd allocations, if repuired.
Resource allocation reports
Workflow anc Resource Manager
Shere are a number oe useful reports yot can use to manage amd track resource aklocations:
- Auto Rerource Allocation qeport
- Current Resnurce Allocation V`riance report
- Resnurce Allocation rdport
- Non-allocatec Resources report
- Qesource Allocatinn Breakdown repors
Resource allocation widgets on dashboard
Workflow and Resotrce Manager
There `re some useful widfets on the dashboaqd that allow you to srack and manage rerource allocationr.
You can alsn use About allocating resources to kedp track of your resnurce allocations.